Keepass 2.49
Keepass 2.49

keepass 2.49

keepassxc has much more padding/whitespace than keepass. LibreOffice Calc), it doesn't waste space and does everything i need it to.Īgreed. >To me, KeePass is wonderfully boring and usable, much like spreadsheet software (e.g. Or even using a password manager at all, hence we still get sticky notes with passwords etc., human nature isn't too likely to change anytime soon. Your argument about suggesting the more "modern" looking software to non-technical folks is a good one, though! Of course, at the end of the day, some folks will still store their passwords in plain text or Excel/Word files because the cognitive load of using any non-browser-based password manager is too much cognitive load for them.

keepass 2.49

> Don't get me wrong, I still use KeePass, but I would never recommend KeePass to non-technical users (and would think twice about recommending it to technical users) while I would recommend KeePassXC to my mother. Though using the OS clipboard could also be problematic, of course, which is my current approach when i want to log into a site. LibreOffice Calc), it doesn't waste space and does everything i need it to.įurthermore, browser integration actually wouldn't be something i want - i'd prefer to keep those pieces of software as far from one another as possible. To me, KeePass is wonderfully boring and usable, much like spreadsheet software (e.g. This is a pretty good point, even if i'm of the opposite opinion! Because usability and UI do make improvements (probably an unpopular opinion on HN.) and follows trends, KeePass does look completely outdated, the UX is completely outdated and the – nowadays – most important part, browser integration, is only achieved via plugins.

Keepass 2.49